Modernizing the west

There was a story in the Hamilton Spectator today about the potential changes to traffic in Hamilton if we went ahead with a proposed light rail transit system. Businesses in the city seem concerned about the impact that light rail will have. In my opinion, there will...

Peking ducks and a Beijing marathon

It’s been a long day! I started shooting around 9:30 this morning, and just got back now. It’s just after midnight and I’m ready to finally pack it in. This was my full day in China, and I felt rewarded with this gorgeous weather. After I shot those...

Beijing shows me up

Beijing was determined to prove me wrong after what I said about pollution yesterday. The rain and wind blew away the haze, and we were treated to an absolutely spectacular day...

Going with the flow in Beijing

I did a little walking around Beijing today. During the day, the smog is astounding. China has made some truly impressive efforts to reduce pollution and energy consumption, and the message is constantly hammered home by the media: use less energy and water, live in...

Grasslands and blue skies

Our adventure to the grasslands of Xilamuren was a lot of fun. Not a lot of tourists go there after the beginning of October, because the grass turns yellow, and it gets kind of cold. But, being the hardy Canadians that we are, we decided it would be no problem. Plus,...