Modernizing the west

There was a story in the Hamilton Spectator today about the potential changes to traffic in Hamilton if we went ahead with a proposed light rail transit system. Businesses in the city seem concerned about the impact that light rail will have. In my opinion, there will...

Shoot what you love

It baffles me when I hear other photographers complaining about things they have to shoot, whether it’s commercial work, weddings, portraits, nudes, etc. Ok, well scratch that last one. I’ve never heard anyone complain about shooting nudes. So why do...

Sounding like a Communist

I hope I never get this way if I ever have employees again. Rogers just announced its third quarter earnings, showing net profits up 4%, earnings per customer up, and customer retention up too. At the same time, they told their retail store staff that their...

Sell sheet

I had a meeting yesterday with an art director who designs several local magazines. They’re pretty classy magazines, and nicely designed, so I’d love the chance to shoot for them. Anyway, I wanted to leave him with some examples of my work, so I designed...