Jadine gets married

I wrote before about shooting what you love. In this case, it’s my lovely sister Jadine and her new husband David on their wedding day. Here’s my collection of snapshots from their wedding, in video form! The soundtrack is a song called “Happy”...

Home plate

I had a good day yesterday. Someone gave me tickets to see the Blue Jays game, so I took Dad with me. It brought back memories of Dad taking the family to see the game. Of course, back then, the Blue Jays actually had a fighting chance of winning. These days, the odds...

Home from the West

I’m back now. The last day was relaxing, mainly because we didn’t have to pack up and check out before 11am, as we did for most of the rest of the trip. I felt pretty lazy all day. We walked from the hotel down to the the famous Pike Market, where normally...


Ok, this kind of freaked me out. My sister, who is visiting here from Seattle with her boyfriend, found this photo in an old family photo album: It’s a picture of my dad in 1979, holding my sister, coming home from the maternity ward. It was weird to see how...