Bending your bokeh

For me, the ability to control depth of field–the area that’s in focus–has been essential. It’s a major tool in my toolbox when I go about isolating a subject in the frame. Some of the other tools include negative space, color, and contrast,...

Me and my twisty lens in New York City

I took a little road trip down to New York City with my improv team to perform in the Del Close Marathon. I thought it might be a great opportunity to spend some time with my new friend, the Hartblei 65mm f3.5 Super-Rotator. It’s a tilt-shift lens that can...

Stop up

I’m astounded. I took my new Canon 24-70mm f2.8L out into the country to snap a few test shots. I absolutely love it. Most noticible is the color transmission of this lens. I guess the only other lens that I have that reproduces color this way is my other L...

24-70mm of new glass

I got the new lens. I ordered it from a local store here in Hamilton, and they gave me a great deal on it. Just in time too. I’ve got a shoot tonight in which this new lens will come in handy. I’m looking forward to trying it out!