Coney Island in the sun

Undoubtedly, one of Brooklyn’s most iconic locations is Coney Island. I had a day to kill earlier this week, so I decided to visit the park and boardwalk to take some pictures. I took the D train from Manhattan and just enjoyed the ride to the end of the line at...

Caribbean sunrise over Playa del Carmen

I just got back from a fantastic trip shooting in Playa del Carmen. I went to the beach at 5:45 one morning to check out the pre-dawn light and to see what the sunrise was like. I brought my camera and recorded the sunrise, because I had a feeling it might be kind of...

Earth Hour photos

Tonight we’re observing Earth Hour, which means we turn off our lights for an hour in consideration of the environment. Of course, it’s a symbolic gesture. After we turn the lights back on, most of us resume our normal lives. But, in terms of raising the...

The Golden Hour

There’s a secret that most photographers know, and that you should know too if you want to start taking great photos. It’s the secret of “The Golden Hour.” What is the Golden Hour? Put simply, it’s that time of day when everything just...