Breaking the rules

I’m a firm believer that there are rules that need to be broken, in art especially. I think it’s important that you should know what the rules are first, live by them when it suits you, and fold, spindle and mutilate the hell out of them when it suits you...

Chromed up

Everyone in the geekworld has been talking about Google’s new Chrome browser lately, and for good reason. I feel bad for Opera,  who has been around for ages and has created a pretty damned good browser, but still gets no respect. Opera is at version 9.5, and...

Armchair photographers

A couple of things… I was researching some new articles I’m writing, and went back to one of my favorite essays, Ken Rockwell’s The Seven Levels of Photographers for inspiration. I noticed that he recently added a level 0 to this, having found a new...