
I had a shoot scheduled today, but the makeup artist had some family issues to deal with, so we canceled it. It turned out to be a great opportunity to get out and enjoy a gorgeous day. I hiked around Albion Falls. I took a few pics with my phone to share. The little...

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful

The object of today’s photoshoot was to create an image of an enviable woman. One of those women who other women hate, but want to look like anyway. The client is a spa that’s opening in Edmonton soon, providing laser hair removal. So, the model had to...

Circus of the Sun

Laura took Dad and I to see Cirque du Soleil at Copps Colesium last night. It was a spontaneous thing, which made it even more fun. I’d never been to see Cirque du Soleil before, and I was impressed. The music, costumes, sets, lighting, performances were all...

Stop up

I’m astounded. I took my new Canon 24-70mm f2.8L out into the country to snap a few test shots. I absolutely love it. Most noticible is the color transmission of this lens. I guess the only other lens that I have that reproduces color this way is my other L...

I always do this

I seem to leave big gaps between blog entries, especially when lots of stuff is happening. And lots of stuff seems to have happened since my last entry, which makes it even more difficult to write a quality entry. I’m sure I won’t be giving any of the...