Asus Eee Slate EP121 review for photographers

Ever since the iPad came out, I’ve been resisting getting a tablet. For me, gadgets are tools, not toys, and I couldn’t see how the iPad or any subsequent tablet could be useful to a professional photographer like me. After all, the current batch of...

Promo videos

I signed up with Animoto and made a couple of videos to promote my business last night. There are a lot of things to like abuot Animoto. It’s easy to use, and nearly completely automatic. You just upload your photos, choose the music, and write in a title and...

Chromed up

Everyone in the geekworld has been talking about Google’s new Chrome browser lately, and for good reason. I feel bad for Opera,  who has been around for ages and has created a pretty damned good browser, but still gets no respect. Opera is at version 9.5, and...