The Wind Angel appears

It’s been a while since Laura Hollick and I created a new image for our Live Your Spirit series. We planned for an outdoor image, showing Laura posed like a white tree in a white winter landscape. We drove around through the country until we spotted the perfect...

Red tree winter

Laura and I are continuing to shoot our series of photos depicting scenes from her inner world, like the ones we exhibited at the Birth Your Dreams exhibition in August. We work well as a team. She comes up with these brilliant and beautiful concepts and I refine...

Prevailing Winter

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m not a big fan of winter. When the snow starts to fly, I go into hibernation mode. I used to ski, which made snow somewhat tolerable, but I tore my ACL while skiing in deep powder in Squaw Valley, California. That did nothing to...

All season

We finally finished the four seasons series. We’d tried to shoot this a couple of weeks ago, just before Christmas, but there was a full-force winter storm raging, so we decided to call it off. Anyway, the weather cooperated this week, and we managed to get the...

Caving in

Ok, ok, Mother Nature, we get it. You can snow. Now you can stop it. I think I’m seriously cut out for warmer weather. It’s a shame I like being Canadian so much, because I wouldn’t give up living here, even if I could enjoy a more pleasant climate....