It’s been some time since I’ve taken any “serious” photos, meaning photos that I’ve actually set up lights and had an idea and followed through on it. The last bunch were my Hesi Marmalade photos, which I love dearly. But those were a couple of weeks ago… I’ve got some tentative plans for a male bodyscape shoot next weekend with Max. It should be pretty cool, as well as a first for me. Laura’s second trimester preggy photos will have to be done soon too. I’ve also got some ideas for some other expressive photos. It’s just a matter of finding the time to shoot them. :nod:
by Kevin Thom | Nov 13, 2003 | 3 comments
me me i wanna help you!
if you find time, can you tell me where it is? I’d like to have a word with it….
sounds good, all those ideas….i can’t wait to see them *jumps around* especially the expressive part, well u just shot some but i’m kinda waiting for a new set already 😛