Winter can take a flying leap off a cliff, as far as I’m concerned. Last night was the first real hint of it around here. The wind was whipping up something fierce. I thought the windows were going to shatter from the explosiveness of it. It was insane. This morning, the wind persisted, and added to it were flying shards of ice, travelling parallel to the ground, defying gravity. I propose this: let’s vote winter off the island. We’ll just skip from fall directly into spring, and then into summer. Three seasons are enough variety for me, thanks.
by Kevin Thom | Nov 13, 2003 | 2 comments
the wind is unbeleivable. At some point walking against the wind direction, I was about to faint – i just couldn’t breath!
I hate hate hate this. It’s not nearly as cold as it will be and i was already freezing parts of body off in my “winter” jacket. Don’t even want to think about it anymore.
i love winter 🙂
wednesday night I just abotu died in the rain storm..SO WINDY! but then i woke up in the morning and it was still windy, but all was white, and I was happy 🙂
i get home and my hceeks are sitnging, and the house feels warm!! (it’s actually cold in my house, but compared to outside..)
an dnow i can wear my penguin earmuffs 🙂
yay for snow! 😀