I spent an hour Christmas shopping this morning on my computer. Did I mention lately that I love technology? Did I also mention that I hate shopping? Yeah. Malls give me a headache, and drain my energy, so I try to avoid them as much as possible. Internet shopping was made for people like me. 🙂 Anyway, I finished most of my shopping this morning, and the only downside is that I missed the free shipping deadline by one day. But, the small amount they charge for shipping is a minimal price for such comfort and joy, comfort and joy! Besides, it’ll learn me for waiting until the last minute!
Ho Ho Ho
by Kevin Thom | Dec 18, 2003 | 4 comments
mmm, internet shopping. Boy oh BOY do I love technology. I still remember back in the day when all websites were grey backgrounds, black text, blue links …. MAAAN, it’s certainly come a LONG way. If for no other reason than christmas shopping, I’d say I love shopping online as well 😉
i too enjoy online shopping… but i also love wandering through the mall :bounce: everything left on my xmas list is best bought in mall :nod: so that’s where i’m going saturday…if i’m still alive 😉
i was REALLY excited the first time i fired up NCSA Mosaic on my mac and saw the grey background and… well… grey links because my mac had a monochrome screen. before that, i was using telnet and lynx to access the web! ahh… the NCF. maggie knows what i’m talkin’ about! 😀
booyah NCF :bounce:
when I bought my first modem, it said on the box “will work with a or newer model” Guess which model we had? 😉 I think it was an Apple Plus or something similar..black&white..tiniest screen ever… good times 🙂