Believe whatever you want to believe.
The truth will find you when you are ready.
Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead only try to realise the truth.
There is no spoon.
Then you will see it is not the spoon that bends. It is only yourself.
The Matrix is control. It is a system.
Most people are not ready to let go.
The system is built on rules for all those who live within it.
They are hopelessly dependant upon the system and will fight to keep and protect it.
The mind has trouble letting go.
As long as The Matrix exists, the human race will never be free.
Only some of us live outside the Matrix. Only some of us want to.
I can only show you the door.
You are the one who has to walk through it.
Let go of fear, doubt and disbelief.
Walk through the door into a world without control, without rules,
with no borders or boundaries. Where everything is possible.
But understand…
There is a difference between knowing the path and walking it.
The choice is up to you.
Do not think that you are.
KNOW that you are.
I think for me, ONE of the main branches of ‘realism’ are in the following:
Do not think that you are.
KNOW that you are.
But … KNOWing what exactly? Well, that’s one thing that the brothers I think pulled off VERY well with the movies. And with this branch you have two choices I would think. I KNOW I am a human for real … and I KNOW I am code. Once one becomes content with whichever of those two choices, one can exist 😉