Whee! It’s finally mine! I picked up the key for the loft from the lawyer today, and went straight there to check it out. Everything looks great. Right now it’s so empty and spacious, but I already feel at home there. Tonight, I move my computer and camera equipment. Then, sadly, I’ve got to take a break and go to the theatre to do a show. 😛 After the show I’ll be returning to the new place to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag. :bounce: I’ve got a bunch of friends coming tomorrow to help me move my furniture, in exchange for the traditional beer and pizza. 🙂
My precious…
by Kevin Thom | Jan 23, 2004 | 3 comments
that’s so very exciting! :bounce: my favourite part about moving is when you have a big empty space and you get to decide where to put things 🙂
Have all kinds of fun!!
😀 it is VERY empty right now. but i’m really enjoying it. maybe i should just leave all the furniture at my old place and live a simpler life…
yes! interior design ROCKS!