Step one in packing to move to a new apartment is, “Throw stuff in the garbage so you don’t have to pack it.”
Here is a list of some of the stupid things I was keeping for no apparent reason:
– Apple Stylewriter Ink Cartridge (empty) from 1991. Even when I owned this ancient printer, the empty cartridge was useless. Why do I have it?
– Ugly sunglasses. They were never in style. It’s unlikely they will ever be in style. Garbage.
– Dead cheap watch. Maybe I was intending to replace the battery so it would be returned to plain-old-cheap-watch status?
– 45MB hard drive from Apple Powerbook. Made by Connor in 1990. Not sure if it still works, but even if it did, what good is it to anyone?
– Dried up Hallowe’en makeup from four years ago when I was a commando. Yeah.
– Remote control for car alarm in car I sold 7 years ago. If I ever see that car again, I’m gonna steal it!
– Face shield from when I took CPR in 1996. Using this thing now would probably be more hazardous than giving unprotected mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a homeless hooker with herpes.
– Receipts from Christmas gifts given in 2001. If they don’t like the gifts now, tough shit.
– A key labeled “Private Office.” Hmmm… maybe I should keep that one…
lol… the empty ink cartridge was the best i think. i don’t want to do a similar list though, it would be too long and weird…
*lol* That was the great thing abotu living in residence… moving out every April really forced me to seriously consider why i had so much stuff. Last year I threw out a LOT of stuff. I seem to keep EVERYTHING..and I’m really not sure why. .. but if i don’t have to pack for a move, i can’t find any reason to throw stuff out 🙂
the “private office’ is definately my favourite.
I should make some randome keys with cool tags and leave it around people’s places to have them figure it out…