Well, I tend to put things off until the last minute. But, since I’m moving in a couple of weeks, I figured I’d take care of a few things in advance. I did a lot of them this morning. I went to the mortgage broker’s place to bring him the documents and void cheque for taking money out of my bank account 🙁 and then I called to move my car insurance to my new address, and also to get a quote on my condo insurance. I found out that it’s actually cheaper than my tenant’s insurance for some inexplicable reason, even though the coverage is much better. Also, I get a 5% discount on my car insurance for having both policies with the same company. The 5% discount is almost half of the cost of my entire condo insurance policy! 😀 So then I cancelled my existing tenant insurance policy right away. Then I got a call from the tenant insurance company. The girl there was trying to persuade me to come back to them, but since their customer service has been absolutely pitiful in the last few years that I’ve been dealing with them, they can kiss my ass goodbye. 😛
Speaking of customer service, I was actually very impressed with Bell Canada. They have this web page set up for moving your phone service, and it was great! I entered in all my current information, and then the information about my move. I was also able to move my Internet service as well. After submitting all the info, I got an email from them to confirm the order, and it explained that I need to talk to the current owners of the condo about cancelling their phone service so my line can be hooked up. It also said my Internet would be switched over and ready to go the day I move in. And, it also gave my new phone number. 🙂
Anyway, there’s very little left to be done. I have to call to reserve a truck for my moving day. I have to move my hydro account to the new address. I also have some more documents to drop off at the lawyer’s office. And then the actual moving begins. I guess I should start packing… :sprint:
did the tenant insurace girl just beg, or did she offer you antyhing? When we canceled our newspaper subscription they called us and seriously tried to convince me.. I felt bad 🙁 she even offered me a sweet deal, but it wasn’t my call..(and my mum was getting it for free from work 😉 )
very sweet about bell canada..life should always be so easy…
packing is not fun 😛 but, uh, enjoy 🙂
tenant insurance girl did have a bit of a begging voice, but also sounded a bit coercive, like “we won’t have to charge you the penalty for cancelling your policy if you stay with us.” well, duh! anyway, the amount left on my policy is less than the amount i’m saving by leaving. and even if it somehow costs more (for some bizarre reason) i’ll still pay it because i that tenant insurance company has pissed me off too much in the past. i’m stubborn that way. 😛
life is all about being stubborn! 😉
ooh look at superkev being all logical and forward looking and doing useful stuff and stuff.
Second half of January sounded sooo far away at one point and now it’s right here, just stretch your arm.
which day is it again? 21 or something?
january 23, and i’m counting the days! 😀 even though i won’t be able to move my bed until i get the truck and some friends to help on jan. 24, you better believe i’ll be sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag on the night of the 23rd! 😛
that’s gonan help you get close and personal with the house and all the cool creatures living in the place. Because you want the place to like you. otherwise you’re not gonna enjoy living there :nod:
yes, yes, crazy i am
hey, i slept on the floor for over a week when I moved to guelph… and my cat had fleas!!
it really makes you appreciate beds 😉
oooh! itchy! 😛
i actually got no bites 😀 My housemate who lives in the basement did though..so we think his room was the sourc e fo the fleas (the house gave tristan fleas – he was flea free before we got here)
see, the solution to that problem is a giant flea collar around the exterior of the house.
flea collars only kill the eggs, not the fleas themselves. Tristan fell over when I first put his flea collar on while waitign for some Advantage. It totally threw off his tripod 😀
see, i didn’t know that about flea collars. this journal thing is really paying off in knowledge. :nod: