My new assistant, Zeeshan, is always looking ahead. On Wednesdays, he says, “It’s already Friday!” and I say, “No it’s not! It’s only Wednesday! And there’s lots of stuff left to do before Friday, so get to it!” Yeah. I’m a slave driver. The other day he said, “It’s already April!” and I said, “No it’s not!” etc. I must admit that this bothers me profoundly. How can you enjoy the present when you’re living in the future?
Looking ahead
by Kevin Thom | Mar 31, 2004 | 8 comments
everyone lives in the future, it’s about how far out you are.
Because present becomes past instantly 🙂
forgot to fill in the the silly form *cute blushing emoticon*
whoa. far out man! i think the term “present” is like the term “happy.” it’s a variable slice of the continuum between past and future, like “happy” is a slice of emotion between despair and elation. 🙂
I find it very difficult to think of the future myself. It’s much easier for me to think of right NOW. I dunno, somehow I get things done a little easier when I know I have to do them now.
i’m trying to live in the past. I’d like it to be monday today, so that the lab report i haven’t started yet isn’t due for 3 days, instead of the 1 day I’d have if today were actaully wednesday….
this is not legal.
april is april.
march is march.
it’s illegal to be march and pretending you are april.
i smell a lawsuit!! 😀
i can understand being all excited about the near future if u are lookin forward to something…but when u do it every day…u only get to live ones..and rush like that through ur life? makes no sense…*shrugs*