I’m feeling pretty proud of myself at this moment. I went to Future Shop to needlessly buy a copy of Kill Bill Vol: 1 on DVD. I also brought a CD full of MP3s so I could try out the various MP3 car stereos they have. After trying out every single one for speed of loading, ease of use, sound quality, etc., I settled on this one:

ass-kickingly good

True to my pattern, it’s the most expensive one in its class. I almost always like the most expensive thing best, and I hate that. Time and time again, I discover that “you get what you pay for” is most certainly true. I wish I could just find bargains and be happy with them. But, as with most things, this stereo truly is better in every way, especially in the most important category: sound. And not just a little better, because my second choice is only $50 less… but noticibly, ass-kickingly better.

Anyway, now to the self-pride part. I’m proud because I said to myself, “I don’t need this today.” And then I actually walked out of the store without buying it! That was a very strange feeling. I have a lot of self-control and discipline about a lot of things, but impulse buying is my Achilles heel. I have a hard time resisting spending money on fun. Now, don’t ask me how long this restraint will last. I may have this stupid stereo in my car by the end of the week. But, for one glowing moment, I am the King of Self-Restraint. One more jewel in my crown: I put the Kill Bill DVD back on the shelf too!

In other thoughts, I was considering my poll question this morning. Are some lives worth more than others? I guess it would be “nice” to say, “No, all human life is priceless.” But certainly I can objectively compare. For instance, if you had to choose between sparing the life of a psychopathic, sociopathic serial baby-killer and a researcher who’s days away from curing cancer, would the choice be that hard? Then again, it’s one of those “slippery slope” questions. How do you stop once you begin? As the extreme situations become more moderate, where do you draw the line? Is the life of a decent man who doesn’t hurt anyone and lives a quiet but inconsequential life worth more than a boy with Down’s syndrome who’s happy and kind? I’m so glad the question is merely theoretical. :nod: