Not much to report today. I saw I, Robot last night and enjoyed it very much. There weren’t any dull moments, that’s for sure. It wasn’t brilliant, by any stretch, but it sure was fun. I think my favorite part was the scene when the demolition robot destroys the house with Will Smith in it. Very cool.
I spent today driving around a lot. I was in North York to take boring pictures of broken office equipment for an insurance report. I was there for about 10 minutes and then came back to Hamilton for another appointment. I had to repair someone’s printer by… wait for it… turning it off and then on again. The girl was very embarassed to have called me to her office for that.
I also checked out a place that makes big prints. I can get prints up to 44 inches wide, and to almost any length. I’m gonna get some big ones for my show in October.
The other fun news is that I managed to clean off my computer desktop completely, thanks to a cool toy called Y’zDock that Manyk suggested to me. It’s just like the dock on the Macintosh. You can drag icons into it. It disappears when it’s not needed, and pops up when you move the mouse to the top of the screen. The icons magically grow when you roll the mouse over them. Basically I was obsessed for a few days with cleaning everything off of my desktop and putting only the necessary things in the dock. Now it looks like this. Yummy.
see that’s just too Mac to my taste 😛
omg you weren’t kiddin’ … that cam looks SWEEEET on the dock 😉
Ok, next task, get kev to use Panther Visual Style for XP. Cause man, does ‘Classic” ver look, um, cheap up against that wicked dock and that awesome photo!
Congrats on cleaning up the desktop … Mine used to look like that … will again soon, but I got stuff I’m working on right now so icons need to be on the desktop 🙁
hey kev, just stumbled onto your site via dA. that’s an awesome little contraption for cleaning up the desktop. would you mind letting me know where you got that? thanks!
Y’z dock project was actually shutdown due to Cease and Disist letters from Apple, concerning intellectual property, and the way Y’z dock perfectly emulates Apple’s dock.
I put up Y’z dock, all the docklets i own, and all the backgrounds i have too, on my website, here: