I guess in a moment of big-mouthedness (yeah I made up the word) I had said that I was incapable of hatred. Well, that’s probably not true entirely. I mean, I have never really been given a great opportunity to hate someone or something, although strong dislike and distaste have often entered my life. I think I’m incapable of broad hatred of a general group of people. However, I can see situations in which I might develop hatred for an individual. For instance, if someone killed one of my friends, or someone in my family, I’d probably hate them. But, overall, I think I’m able to rationalize my dislike for an individual so it goes away, or at least becomes tolerable. I guess so far in my life, I’ve never been exposed to anything bad enough to generate feelings of hatred in me. I feel lucky. 🙂
Let’s not forget this feeling
by Kevin Thom | Jul 8, 2004 | 7 comments
yay for you 🙂 hatred is bad. I hate too much I think…and I hate people I shouldn’t hate, so I have to pretend I don’t hate. (okay, it’s only one person i can think of that I hate… and jellyfish. ohmygod i hate jellyfish.)
but jellyfish are not all evil. when they sting, they are just protecting themselves because their bodies are so delicate that they’d become prey. just think of how paranoid you’d be if you had no control over your direction, and your body was made of semi-transparent goo! 🙂
it looks like your definition of hate is like “omg i want you to die”
I wonder at what point disliking a person “like ah i wish you just disappeared” kind of thing turns into hate?
see me i have no idea
i understand why the jelly fish stings..and they really are fascinating critters, that I enjoy watching from a very secure sting free distance….
But I have an irrational fear of them that keeps me from swimming in the ocean (which is something I absolutely love to do) if I so much as think I see a jellyfish…. and therefore, I hate the jellyfish for it’s part in keeping me from what I love. damn you, jelly fish!
maggie: see, the book would say that your irrational fear of jellyfish comes from the “fight or flight” instinct buried deep in your brain in the amygdala. you need to employ your higher rationalizing skills housed in your neocortex to realize that you’re probably safe from jellyfish in most instances. 🙂
hesi: yeah i guess hate is just a range of shades on the emotional response spectrum. your definition and mine are just slightly different flavours. :nod:
i had a jelly fish, tentacle side down, wrapped around my arm once. i can’t rationalize away the pain of that memory…
but, we’ll see, i’ll think about giving it a go this year, and swimming despite the jellyfish I’ll inevitably see (we never go to the highly touristy beaches, that are so full of people there’s never any jellyfish..booerns..)
I don’t think I’ve ever hated anybody…usually if somebody makes me mad, and does it constantly…I stop caring…which I think is worse than hating. Cause if you hate that still means you care…even if it’s in a negative way
At the same time, if somebody killed a friend/relative of mine, I’m obviously gonna care and prolly hate…
hey, guess what! you succedeed in confusing me
go you!:P