I’m not sure why I can’t sleep tonight. I’m feeling pretty good about stuff after a refreshing trip to Montreal. I mean, refreshing is a bit of a loose term to use in this situation. Generally, Montreal trips mean an excess of drinking, eating, partying, spending, combined with a very tiny amount of sleep. The main attraction of the weekend was the 80’s party on Saturday night. Of course, Tan didn’t tell me his party was going to be an 80’s party, so we spent all day Saturday scouring the city for 80’s costumes. I managed to scrape together a somewhat less-than-convincing punk rocker costume. Even though it probably looked more silly than punk, it was fun to wear. 🙂
This trip was a lot less wild than the last one. There was noticibly less police involvement. The long drives there and back gave me lots of opportunity to listen to Finnish music. Jen explained some of the lyrics to me. Finnish lyrics are really interesting. In one, a guy was singing “You are like a poem. I don’t understand you, but I want to try.” I know how that feels, so I could identify. It’s amazing to me how some things are so universal around the world.
I am reading a book about the neuroscience behind hatred. It’s kind of cool. I love these books that open your mind to completely foreign ideas. Basically, the book explains that hatred (particularly racial hatred) is a result of the workings of the primitive parts of the brain like the amygdala and the basal ganglia. The author gives strategies for engaging the more advanced reasoning skills of the neocortex to combat these us vs. them impulses that were useful in survival primitive times, but have become sources of conflict.
Anyway, yeah. I think I just made myself sleepy enough to go back to bed. Goodnight. 🙂
the more I live the most I realize what a big part, surprisingly, clothes are of a person. I mean the fact that i absolutely can’t imagine Jen in jeans really shows that… well that and Kev in those cool pants, of course.
I have never thought about hatered in terms of biology. I mean it adds a whoooole new spin on the whole thing. So much more complicated. oh no. Then again, if people are becoming taler with each generation (they are, right?) why can’t we then compensate that by killing off the hatered? that sounds paradoxical. Does hating hating count?
wow…that IS a totally different view on the whole hatred aspect….not sure if I believe in that…but you never know:)
and the costume looks awesome!
whoa what’s up with thinking so early in the morning? hehe yeah the hate as biology was a completely different idea for me. apparently the hate part of the brain is as deep and primitive as the instinct for love, reflex reactions and other instincts. our evolution is to develop new parts of the brain that can rationalize away from hatred, but we have to learn to do it, just like all rational actions. :nod:
and for some reason it didn’t feel weird wearing the silver pants in montreal, yet i couldn’t imagine wearing them here. 😀