You know, people always used to tell me, “Don’t work so hard. You’ll burn out!” and I didn’t really listen, because everything I was doing, I felt like I had to be doing. So working 60-80 hours per week was normal to me, as well as trying to make time for fun as well. I survived it and actually felt like I was actually thriving on it too. I certainly got a lot of shit done.
Anyway, lately I’ve been feeling burned out. Not because I’m exceptionally busy, because I’m not, really. I mean, I’ve had bursts of busyness, like at the improv festival last week. But on the whole, things are pretty easy for me. I work very little to get by, and could probably afford to take a few months off if I really felt like it. But I don’t believe this is good for me. I think that I’ve got some momentum and I should be carrying it through to whatever projects I want to accomplish next. Yet, I can’t shake the laziness. I’ve been kind of cruising on bare-minimum mode in the last few months. There are things I should be doing that I’m not. Like getting my passport up-to-date so I can travel, and redoing my websites for The Mouse Academy and photography so they’re actually relevant, and preparing for my exhibition in October, and a million other tiny, nagging things too.
Maybe writing this is enough of a kickstart to get me moving. Maybe not. But putting it down “on paper” is the first step… :nod:
I imagine in the beginning you needed a break. The problem with taking a break when you’re not accustomed to getting them, is that you crash rather quickly and rather hard. Such is the life of people who run off adreneline. Getting motivated to get back into it can be a daunting task, luckily you have friends that will push you to get moving again. By no means do I suggest jumping back into the insanity.. go slowly, it’ll all start moving really quickly again, soon enough.
so.. uh.. on a side note.. what’s it like to take a break??? I’ve seen other people do it and it looks somewhat relaxing.. not like I have the choice right now anyways but the no vacation in 3 years thing is going to catch up to me soon 😛
Moral of my diatribe is to take care of yourself.
Taking about taking a break – and it’s “a few months off” rightaway. take it easy 🙂
What do you see your vacation like? What would bring you back into shape?
first thing is realizing you have a problem. now come up with all the different and fun ways to solve the problem. then you’ll get to choose between all those options. ’cause making yourself get up every morning feeling like this is not where you should be is not a choice, not for kev I know anyways 🙂 Especially considering you have a choice
soooo go
come up with the list