“What?” you say, “Two journal entries in less than an hour?” Don’t get used to it. It’s just that I meant to attach this thought to the previous entry, but since my brain is on overtime right now, it’s not working as hard as it should. I forgot to write this down.
It’s about the CSI marathon on Spike TV. Jen had it on from 11PM last night until Spike went off air at 3AM. Then she turned it on as soon as she woke up at 10AM. It’s still on now (just after midnight). Spike TV will be daisy-chaining CSI episodes all day and all night, every day for the entire week. The only break in the CSI marathon is on Thursday night when they’re showing one episode of a CSI-related documentary show.
I find this absolutely amazing. CSI is a pretty good show, but Spike TV is showing what I would call fanatical commitment to it. How many networks would risk alienating a big portion of their audience by showing only one show continuously for an entire week? It seems like the kind of decision that is made by a group of extremely drunk improvisors, but would never make it to reality. I know! I’ve been there! But I really respect it. They are confident that the show is good, and they’re willing to put their network on the line for it.
I’m not sure how this applies to my life, but I’m sure it does somehow. I guess if I believe in something, I keep hitting on it over and over again. Yeah that must be what it is. Ok time to sleep. :nod:
I’m reminded of someone who was so dependant on one show they didn’t know how to make it through their workout without it.. until they found out the CSI marathon was on and that was it. The workout got completed, the rest of the chores did not. I’m sure there are others, there must be. Frankly I find it frightening. I like the show, I really do but to lose that amount of time from my life in a semi-glazed state, just not my cup of tea. I suppose one could argue that in lieu of TV I spend countless hours with my computer, I won’t deny that. But I can feel the synapses firing while I’m doing this dammit and despite the argument that ‘CSI and other shows’ are thinking shows, I’m not convinced that 12 hours a day of it is going to result in anything positive.
You’ve really pushed all my rant buttons this morning 😛
Prematurely posted..
I want to do a study to determine how many people watching this marathon are doing so while consuming pork rinds, low-carb cheesy poofs and the all new, improved carb free coke.
I will now nod and smile and pretend i know exactly what csi stands for :nod:
Crime Scene Investigation 🙂 It’s a drama based around the team of people that try to piece together (through the use of science) what exactly happened at a crime scene.
i wonder if people buying c2 realize that regular old fashioned diet coke has 0 carbs in it instead of the “half carbs” that c2 promises. 😐
maybe c2 is better tastewise? see me i don’t drink either 😀
and did you notice how the more you post the more you get comments? coincidence? i think not
I’ve heard that C2 tastes quite horrible. I would imagine that it’s got that weird gassy effect that diet pops have. How special.. a bunch of fat laden, gassy, low carb people. We’ll die of methane poisoning in the end 😛
Anyhow.. low carb is a selling gimic now. It’s like low-cholesterol on things that could never have had cholesterol in the first place.. or ‘low-fat’ being the new way to say ‘sugar laden so it still tastes ok’
I still stil by not eating crap you can’t pronounce. If I struggle through the ingredients it’s not going in my body.
yay more morning rants.
oh and I agree with hesi, you should post more :nod:
I’m gonna be with hesi on that one
*nods and smiles pretending to know exactly what you’re talking about*