www.viewmag.com Whee! The article was published in View Magazine today. It’s always interesting to see how other people perceive you, especially when it’s a bit different than how you perceive yourself. I guess it’s one of those “identity” arguments again. 🙂 Anyway, I’m happy with the article, and it gives me an insight into how other people might look at me… if they ask the right questions. 😉 Last few days has been hellish for work. Lots of clients and service calls and business meetings and stuff. My brain is rebelling against all the work. I am looking forward to the long weekend…

Tonight is Theatresports night. I’m taking notes on the show. Notes have been overwhelmingly negative in the last few weeks, which gives the cast a real beating. I’m going to try to keep them a bit upbeat while I’m on watch. :nod: