I had my first show in Toronto in quite a long time. The first time was over a year ago, doing the Midweek Mayhem show at the Bad Dog with Affirmative Action. We sucked big time. How embarassing. This time, I played with my Saturday class at Clinton’s Tavern. We performed a Harold, which is a longform with a specific structure. We were all a bit worried, since Saturday’s practice was horrendous. We were low on energy and imagination. None of our scenes went anywhere. But the show turned out ok. We concentrated on keeping the energy up in our scenework, and everything flowed from there. We did an organic opening and some organic games too, which can seem weird to those watching. Apparently the audience loved it. Anyway, I feel good about the performance. During the break I went to have Korean food. I felt good about that too. :drool:
Harold at Clinton’s
by Kevin Thom | Apr 11, 2005 | 3 comments
I’m still a bit irritated with myself for not realizing it was in Toronto but there will be others! and those I won’t miss.
I have to cut my reply short now to go look up these ‘techhy improv’ words that you’ve thrown in here because I hate not knowing what things mean.
have I mentioned my OCD is right out of whack lately? 😀
Korean vegetarian food is aquired or for the adventurous.. they tend to weigh heavy on the mock meats and for those not used to it, it can cause some funny reactions 🙂 I like the smell of korean bbq’s and the energy.
I live in the wrong country.
Ok I must go to work now ! :hug:
If anyone else needs knowledge.. https://www.humanpingpongball.com/
I’m loving this site 😛
i found there were quite a few vegetarian options on the menu, and you could avoid the mock meats and stick to tofu. koreans use tons of garlic and chili in their cooking. kimchee–pickled veggies with chili–is a key ingredient. yum. 😀