For the second time in a couple of weeks, I took the memory card out of the camera and put it into the computer, only to find out there are no photos on it. This is really weird. It’s possible in both of the cases that I accidentally formatted the card, because I was distracted after shooting, but it’s highly unlikely. The 5D works exactly the same way as the 10D if you want to format a card, and I never accidentally formatted a card in 2 years of owning the 10D. So, yeah. It’s a bit weird, and a bit scary.
Anyway, hasn’t been a major disaster. All I had to do was to recover the images using PC Recovery Smart Recovery. The program works well, but it takes forever. I couldn’t afford to have this happen during a middle of a shoot. I wonder if I should buy a new memory card. The problem is, I don’t really need more memory, and it could be the camera causing the problem. 😐 I guess I’ll sit on this problem for a while…
wow, that’s absolutely terrible. and google doesn’t seem to have any comments on such a case either!
maybe get a smaller card to act as a back up for shoots? not a bad idea in any case.
are all the files just erased? like, the whole card is wiped?
1: CF cards can fail after a LOT of use.
2: That would scare the crap out of me too! I’d contact Canon and hopefully get ahold of someone who isn’t a complete moron on the other end of the phone. MAYBE there’s an ‘issue’ that only they would know about with the certain brand/size of card you are using.
3: We could swap 1GB cards … you try mine for a bit and I’ll try yours … see if anything similar happens with your card in my cam. My 1GB card has never gone blank on me with the 20D.
“PC Recovery Smart Recovery”
That is a name redundant name!
that was a close one
The only time i had a similar problem with my 300D and 2gb CF was when i ejected it before it finished writing the RAW images (orange light was still blinking when i opened the card slot, unaware of the activity). Somehow i think you’re a much more cautious man and this was not the case.
yeah it’s weird because the card had the folders that the camera sets up (DCIM, etc.) but they’re empty 😐 i suspect i must have accidentally formatted it. i’ll keep an eye on it.
shoulda bought tha sony hehehehe
the security code turns out almost impossible for me to read :S
and about the card emptying itself…wtf 😮