I did some purely creative shooting today, for the first time in a long time. I mean, I shot some water bouncing out of a shot glass the other day, but that was mainly an experiment, and not really creative stuff. Anyway, I got this idea from seeing a lot of people on dA posting photos of circles casting heart-shaped shadows on the gutters of open books. I thought I’d spoof that. I bought a pig heart at a Chinese grocery store for about $1.29, and a couple of books from the Salvation Army for $3. One book was the Funk & Wagnall’s Encyclopedia volume with an entry for Valentine’s Day, saying “See SAINT VALENTINE’S DAY.” Combined with the heart, it made me think of looking for love in the wrong places. The other book was an old dictionary, which I used for its definition of “love.” Anyway, I chose to use the Funk & Wagnall’s shot instead because it was less obvious. Then I took an obvious photo of the heart on ice: Cold Hearted. 😛

Misplaced HeartCold Hearted

By the way, the new version of WordPress is really great. In addition to the excellent word processor-like editor, it makes uploading photos a lot easier. It even makes clickable thumbnails of photos automatically. 😀