I thought it was high time for an update to my blog CSS so I downloaded the Union Jack WordPress theme by Allessandro Grassi and used it as a template for my new design. You can see the original here.
This theme has the option to rotate a number of random header images. That threw me for a loop for a while, trying to figure out how the heck it was done, but I got it figured out eventually. I think I’ll just stick to one header for now. 😛
Other than the obvious header and color changes, my main edits were to make the fonts a bit bigger, and get rid of the use of all caps. I also reorganized the sidebar and added my Audioscrobbler plugin. 🙂
wow for a second there i thought my bookmark was broken 😀
I love it!
the background is so sweet and retro, very OK-GOish
I’m a bit surprised that you like this design better than your old one.
That said, it could be pink on blue background, a la geocities =P
yeah this one i find more funk-d-fied. plus the CSS is nicer because i didn’t write it 😛
I really enjoy the background..mmmmm..prettiful..
are you kidding? i love this design SO MUCH MORE. i think it is far more ‘super’ and ‘kev’ and ‘superkev’. 🙂
Apparently my word is a command around here =P
Or not…..it changed as soon as i posted it. Thats just weird cachind 😮
Firefox must be wasteeeeeed!
hah no there was is some weirdness with my last.fm plugin that makes it work with my old theme but not with the new one. i switched back to the old theme momentarily to test that theory… i don’t get it.
Better better, but it needs a picture of le Kev, yo!
This one reminds me of the endless apple themes, too =P
Come on man, show that PC pride!
hmm no this blue one (i think that’s what you’re talking about) is the default theme. somehow wordpress is changing le theme all by itself 😐