The list of things that seperates us from the animals is shrinking. They’ve discovered that birds have grammar to their language, sheep can recognize the faces of other sheep, and dolphins have names and even refer to each other in the third person. “Wow, did you see the pectoral fins on Doris? Hubba hubba!” Anyway, scientists are working hard on new ways for us to differentiate ourselves. Apparently we are now classified as the Earth’s only cookivores. That means we cook our food, which has given us an evolutionary advantage over other animals. Not only can we intake calories more efficiently than anyone else because our food is partially digested outside of our bodies through the process of cooking, but we spend less time eating. Chimps spend six hours per day chewing, and we spend only one. Ahhh civilization is so tasty.
Humanity grasping at straws
by Kevin Thom | May 11, 2006 | 5 comments
At first (for like a second), I thought it meant that we were the only organisms that eat cookies =P
Hmmm sirloin steak…….hmmm filet mignon……HMMM
haha well we’re still the only organism that bakes cookies 😛
these are cool facts!
except there’s all these people who only eat vegetables and only RAW vegetables.
silly silly rabbits
this reminds me of a comic i saw on the door of one of the philosophy professors in the department here. its a cartoon of a guy sitting in a room, writing on a piece of paper “only humans can make lists of things…” and on the floor, crossed out there are many papers of similar style with captions like
“only humans can sing opera”
“only humans can read books”
“only humans can recognize letters”
“only humans can write music in the style of mozart”
“only humans can paint in the style of kandinsky”
and on the wall its something like “the department of what distinguishes humans from computers”.
I guess the rawists fall out of this but interesting I suppose. There’s still debate over cooking and how much better it really is. I’m not a giant fan of faw tofu though.. it’s a texture thing 😛