I went shooting tonight at the Desjardins Canal. It’s an interesting place. Four large bridges cross it at various angles and levels, and there’s a long staircase that winds up the valley of the canal to York Boulevard, so there are quite a few interesting angles. It was dark, and mostly deserted, so it was kind of a freaky place to be hanging out, especially with an extremely conspicuous and expensive-looking camera. The place looked like a setting for a video game… one of those video games in which plenty of people die. Anyway, I got what I wanted as quickly as possible, which is not too quick with 30 second exposures. I’m not sure what I’ll do with these photos, but it was a fun adventure taking them anyway.

Here are my two favorites from tonight.

City Gate - York Boulevard, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Under the 403 at the Desjardins Canal, Hamilton, Ontario