Another Harold Night, another rock ‘n’ roll set by Big in Japan.
There was some adventure preceding our set though. Usually, we warm up in the alley beside the Savannah Room, and we can get a bit hyper and aggressive with each other. We ran into the alley, and there was some pushing and shouting along the way. People on the street were staring at us, but that’s normal. Anyway, we got ourselves into the alley, and into a circle to begin our warmup. Suddenly, a police car screeched into the alley and stopped just a few feet from us, scaring the living bejesus out of us. Two cops got out and confronted us. “We heard you guys were fighting in here,” one of them said. Apparently someone saw us running into the alley, and misinterpreted Allison screaming, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill you, Cawley!” at Adam to mean that there was something bad going down. Silly people. We started laughing, and had to explain that we were an improv group, and we were just warming up, and that nothing illegal was happening. They remained suspicious, and watched us for a minute or so, but eventually decided we were no threat to ourselves or anyone else. After that, they just backed the car out of the alley and left.
Anyway, as I mentioned, we had a rock ‘n’ roll set. Our suggestion was “stealth.” Energy was high, we ditched the Harold form and just had fun with each other. We had the audience cheering before our opening was even finished, and held them until the end. We’ve got a week off next week, but already I’m looking forward to our next show on November 12.
daaamn nice story. that must have given you an extra dose of adrenalin 🙂
too bad i missed the show 🙁
You shouldnt have gotten out of character when the police arrived. Pansies!
holy crap, that sounds so exciting.
i am sorry i missed that too. i will try to be there next night, i keep hearing how awesome you guys are!