New Year’s Day we decided to take the bus to Fisherman’s Wharf and hop on a ferry to Angel Island for a hike. There were no ferries to Angel Island that day though, because it was a holiday. Oh well. We walked around the piers instead, watching people fishing and illegally trapping Dungeness crabs.


After our walk, we headed back home. I made a batch of the Thom family dumplings with the ingredients I bought the previous day. The rest of the Thom Dumpling Machine probably thinks I wasn’t paying attention to how it’s done, because my designated role as Fry Guy keeps me pretty busy… but I was watching! The most difficult part, indeed, turned out to be the frying. I didn’t have the temperature-controlled electric frypans, so I was using regular skillets on a gas grill. It took a while to figure out how to get the temperature just right. Some of the dumplings turned out a bit “Cajun style.” They were still popular though!
