I had a fun shoot today. I’d been planning this for about a week with Misha, Sarah and Amanda, a few models I met shooting fashion shows recently. The shoot was for my good friend Lissa, who is a wonderful designer. I’m glad the weather was more or less good. It was a bit hazy, but it worked out ok anyway. The girls were a bit freaked out by the number of crickets jumping around their bare legs and feet. Modeling is dangerous work!
We had very little time to shoot, because the sun was going down fast. However, the girls did great, and I think we got all the shots we needed.
Nice shot ! and nice girls :p
I think you had fun to do them. I like the first one on the second row.
Beautiful. 2&5 are my favourite.
😀 i knew you’d like #2 hesi! it’s my fav too.