I went to see Jully Black tonight at the Hamilton Place Studio Theatre. What a great show. The venue was small and intimate, with tables set up on the floor. I didn’t know what to expect, since I don’t know much about her music. I went because Laura bought tickets. She doesn’t know Jully Black either, but felt compelled to buy the tickets anyway. I’m glad she did. Black owned that stage. What amazed and inspired me most was that her soul was wide open to the world. She didn’t hold anything back. I guess that’s what makes a soul singer great.
Her music is a delicious dollop of Motown with a peppering of soca and reggae, and a pinch of hip hop thrown in for good measure. Here’s a taste for ya.
i went to highschool with her 🙂 I’m a big fan.
Cath sang at the Studio Theatre, love the intimacy of the place. Personally think it’s quite befitting Jully sang there because of her style.