Asus Eee Slate EP121 review for photographers

Ever since the iPad came out, I’ve been resisting getting a tablet. For me, gadgets are tools, not toys, and I couldn’t see how the iPad or any subsequent tablet could be useful to a professional photographer like me. After all, the current batch of...

My Canon 5D Mark III wishlist

Many Canon shooters like me have been anxiously awaiting the announcement of the 5D Mark III. Canon’s being characteristically mum about this, and why not? The 5D Mark II is still selling like hotcakes. No sense in killing that golden goose just yet. I’d...

Shirley on Aliso Beach

I did a shoot with Shirley on Aliso Beach in South Laguna, California. We set up the shoot by email, and initially, Shirley was a bit nervous about how it was going to go, but I assured her that it would be fun. After all, how could it not be? We’d be hanging...

Stop up

I’m astounded. I took my new Canon 24-70mm f2.8L out into the country to snap a few test shots. I absolutely love it. Most noticible is the color transmission of this lens. I guess the only other lens that I have that reproduces color this way is my other L...

24-70mm of new glass

I got the new lens. I ordered it from a local store here in Hamilton, and they gave me a great deal on it. Just in time too. I’ve got a shoot tonight in which this new lens will come in handy. I’m looking forward to trying it out!