Big fat lies

I just watched this video, which is linked from the excellent page that got me started on the Paleolithic diet back in August of 2007. Although the video is somewhat dry, I watched the entire hour and 11 minutes. The information is fascinating. Gary Taubes puts...

Sausage stir fry

Second food entry of the day! Maybe this is becoming that food blog that Hesi told me I should make? Anyway, here’s another easy cave-friendly recipe. Heat up a pan with a little bit of water in the bottom. Not too much water, maybe half a cup. In the meantime,...

Caveman shake

Ok, so people often ask me what I have for breakfast, because they think the caveman diet is too much work. Here’s something easy that I have almost every day, and I never get bored of it. In fact, I make this so much that I actually wore out my old Braun hand...

Cave lunch

Today’s lunch was omelet with that classic combo of smoked salmon, red onion and capers. Yum.