Spring has sprung

I love shooting at night. It’s quiet, peaceful, and the closest thing to meditation that I do. Tonight’s model was this little tree–a maple, I think–located at Spencer Smith Park in Burlington. I noticed the tree when I was out with Laura last...

Wedding of the year

It’s been a pretty busy couple of days here in Bangkok. I’m doing my best to help with the wedding, which is turning out to be a massive affair. Today, I was part of a really beautiful traditional Thai engagement ceremony. I don’t have photos of it,...

Peking ducks and a Beijing marathon

It’s been a long day! I started shooting around 9:30 this morning, and just got back now. It’s just after midnight and I’m ready to finally pack it in. This was my full day in China, and I felt rewarded with this gorgeous weather. After I shot those...

Going with the flow in Beijing

I did a little walking around Beijing today. During the day, the smog is astounding. China has made some truly impressive efforts to reduce pollution and energy consumption, and the message is constantly hammered home by the media: use less energy and water, live in...

Here we go, Suzhou

The title of this article rhymes, if you say it right. I’m finding it a lot easier to get around in China with my little bit of Chinese. Just the small matter of knowing how to pronounce the name of a place when buying train tickets to that place saves me a lot...