Gettin’ laid, gettin’ paid

I can really feel that my photography business could take off if I had the time to devote to it. I’m getting constant requests now to take photos and get paid for them. My day job is becoming more and more of a hindrance. But, I had a strange feeling last night....

Neglected blog

OK. I didn’t visit my journal all day yesterday, and now I’m feeling guilty. But, in my defense, Sunday was a very busy day. I got up early to clean up my place. I had camera stuff and lighting stuff all over the place. Plus, I needed to vacuum and clean...


It seems like it’s been an extremely long day today, and it’s not even over. I stayed up late last night doing nothing but watching bad TV. Clash of the Titans was on, and it’s such a horribly bad movie that I needed very much to watch it. Anyway,...


Sometimes when I go to the gym I just push myself that extra little bit that turns out to be too much. Today was one of those days. I was doing military press with dumbells at what I thought was the maximum I could lift. So, I added another 10 pounds. Halfway through...

Blood pressure

Well, Dad’s blood pressure is finally under control. Turns out all he needed was to take some water pills because he had too many fluids in his system. His blood pressure dropped from a really scary 150 over 60 to an extremely healthy 100 over 70. I guess all of...