Looking ahead

My new assistant, Zeeshan, is always looking ahead. On Wednesdays, he says, “It’s already Friday!” and I say, “No it’s not! It’s only Wednesday! And there’s lots of stuff left to do before Friday, so get to it!” Yeah....


Wow. The ratings for my journal have plummeted. Have I lost my edge? My vision? I’m panicking! Sweeps week is coming up, and I need viewership! I guess I’ll need more sex, violence, swearing, and a cliffhanger ending.


Wow I got a lot of stuff done today. I got up and started taking photos of glassware. That went pretty well. I still have lots more to do, but I’ve gotten into a good shooting groove with this stuff. After shooting for a while I went to the stage falls workshop...

Procrastination 101

So, I’ve got all these glassware photos I’m supposed to be doing this weekend. On Friday afternoon, it seemed like it was going to be a nice, easy weekend job. I met with the artist who makes them, and she gave me a huge crate of stuff to photograph. I...

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Hesi and I saw this last night. Several people had recommended it to us, so we picked it despite its dumb name. I’m glad we watched it. Even the title eventually made sense. I enjoyed seeing quality acting from Jim Carrey. He was on the verge of it in the Truman...